1111 N 800 E #140 Logan, UT 84341 US
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Cold To The Taste
Two Visit
1888-1918 The Creamery in Old Main
Original creamery established in Old Main consisted of a series of rooms, "containing the best apparatus for the manufacture of butter and cheese on scientific principles." Students could apply in practive the theories learnt in the classroom. Besides Dairying students, there were also classes for Domestic Arts students with an emphasis on cheeses that could be made in home.
1918-1920 World War 1
During World War 1, a great effort in term of faculty and college facilites was put towards support of the war. Many of the faculty were away and buildings converted for war-time use. What is now The Quad was a drill field, and the Livestock Building on its north side, was used as a barracks building. After the war, it became a convalescent hospital, and then in 1919 it was restored to house the dpeartments related to Animal Industry.
Working in Aggie ice cream production
1920-1929 Teaching Students
In 1920, new machinery was purchased for the college creamersy so that there could be larger scale manufacture of cheese, butter, and ice cream. In 1921, Gustav Wilster joined the Utah State faculty of dairy husbandry in the school of Agriculture, and revitalized the course curricula for the Dairying Department. By 1922, students were studying classes in dairy technology, fluid milk processing, ice cream manufacture, dairy engineering, cheese manufacture, buttermaking, inspecting dairy facilities, and dairy product judging. The high quality of ice cream that today is being made and enjoyed in Utah links back to when Prof. Gustav had the idea of making his Aggie ice cream famous by teaching his skills to students and then sending them out into the world. The achievements of his studnets and their contributions to ice cream manufacturing far esceeded his visions of success, and led to the founding of such landmark Utah companies as Caspers Ice Cream, Farrs Ice Cream, and Snelgroves Ice Cream.
An army estimated of 2500 people pitched their tents and made themselves at home on the campus of the Utah Agricultural College for the annual Farmer's Encampment. Visitors could obtain milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream manufactured at the Creamery. Ice cream flavors included Yum, Pineapple, Raspberry, Chocolate, and Vanilla. An all-you-can drink supply of buttermilk was available free of charge from a large canteen at the entrance to Animal Industries building.
1932-1965 Ice Cream on The Quad
Paul B. Larsen joined the Dairy Manufacturing faculty in 1946. The Aggie Ice Cream store became a landmark on the north side of The Quad and a part of university life for students and faculty.
Building a Heritage for Aggie Ice Cream
A.J. Morris who had earned his bachelors degree in 1923 while stduying dairying under Professor Wilster, joined the faculty of Utah State in 1932. Prof. Morris continued the traditions of reaching out beyond the university by conducting annual ice cream short courses for people in the dairy industry. In 1939, Aggie ice cream falvors that were available included vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, maple nut, peach, red raspberry, black raspberry, apricot, cherry, boysenberry, orange, pineapple, and cantaloupe.
1965-1975 Nutrition and Food Sciences
In 1968, Dairy Manufacturing merges with the Food and Nutrition program from the College of Family Life to form the new Nutrition and Food Sciences department. With Prof. Ernstrom leading the way, it was time to form a new facility to be constructed to meet the research and teaching needs for the food and nutrition programs.
1975-1995 Permanent Building
In 1975, a new dairy processing facility and ice cream paror is included when the Nutrition and Food Sciences buidling was constructed at its current location on the easst edgee of the univserity campus. A modern creamery is included in the new building to serve as a dairy processing laboratory. Dairy manufacturing beomes a part of the Food Science curriculum.
1995-2003 The Traditions Continue
Prof. Rodney Brown joins the faculty in 1979 and leads the dairy foods program when Prof. Ernstrom retires in 1987. The Aggie Bull becomes our logo as seen our ice cream cartons and aprons worn by students working their way through college by scooping ice cream. When the ice cream store on the Quad closes. The ice cream parlor in the food science bulding becomes the prime location for satisfying cravings for Aggie Ice Cream. Two new profesessors join the dairy processing program in 1987: Donal McMahon and Paul Savello.
Aggie Ice Cream production facilities
2003-2011 A New Face to an Old Tradition
Recognized as a unique feature of Utah State University, Aggie Ice Cream receives a place in the university's new marketing program. The hundred-year tradition of Aggie ice cream being made on the Utah State campus by staff and students of the Food Science program continues today. Our newly renovated ice cream parlor is still a place where young and old can find escape from their daily cares.